Ms. Young Tze Wei (Abby)

YearWorkshops Attended
2023Hanen: It Takes Two To Talk
2023PROMPTS for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets: Introduction
2023Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding by Dr. Kay Toomey
20233 Part Treatment Plan for OPT (Oral Placement Therapy)
2024Online Introduction to Paediatric Nutrition for Health Professionals
2024Basic Paediatric Feeding Assessment and Therapy
2024Learn Play Thrive Neurodiversity Summit
2024Gestalt Language Processing/Natural Language Acquisition by Alexander Zachos
2024PEERS®️ for Adolescents School – Based Certified Training by Dr Elizabeth Laugeson
2024Assessing & Teaching Social Communication Skills, Developing Self-Esteem & Friendship Skills by Alex Kelly & Dr Naomi Pearson